The Good: Not a bad premise for a horror movie, and the European locale just gives it the proper this-is-ludicrous-but-maybe-it-could-happen vibe. Plus, it IS fun, if you like this sort of thing.
The Bad: The pacing / storytelling is off. Nothing really happens until we've made it halfway through the movie, and when it DOES pick up, I couldn't bring myself to care much. I know Eli Roth has said all sorts of deep things are going on with the plot (watch as the heroes become victims of the exploitation they so blatantly ignore!) but it just comes off as an uneven horror movie.
The Ugly: Lots to choose from. I'm voting the snipping off of a hanging eyeball, followed by green pus oozing out. Icky.
Points Pondered
- Getting to see the other side of the torturee / torturer relation is kind of interesting, although does make everything THAT much more sadistic.
- I was digging the outfit the hero stole out of the locker room. Sure, the torturers may be sick creeps, but they dress well.
- I can see not liking gore, but anyone who gets offended at horror movies just can't see the inherent ridiculousness in them. I mean, you have a scene where someone gets hit by a train, and we cut to two tourists just getting DOUSED in blood. Yes, gross, but done in a completely comic manner.
- It's somewhat interesting to note that a torturer never kills anyone on screen, while we see our hero kill LOTS of people. Commentary on society, or just a realization that audiences won't throw up as much if they feel a killing is justified?
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