The Good: This is a classic thriller, with a really well contained setting and plot. Pretty much every character makes understandable decisions, which speaks to how well this was written. It's got a nice look to it and all the actors deliver solid performances.
The Bad: The ending drags a little, but it's a problem that a fair number of thrillers have. There's no great way to have someone do the big reveal at the end and tie all the strings together quickly and interestingly. This film does a decent job, and avoids the "Villain gloats and tells his entire plan while holding the hero at gunpoint" thing. Still, definitely a flaw.
The Ugly: Now, my wife disagrees, but that was a seriously dopey dog.
Points Pondered
-Our main hero sure spends a lot of time with his sister's wife. That, combined with early (intentional?) misdirection as to his relationship with her had me confused about a potential incestuous threesome.
-Based purely on watching european movies, all thugs play FIFA video games.
-There's a lot more intrigue in the horse-jumping world than I would have guessed.
-This film had a surprising lack of loose ends. On multiple occasions I found myself thinking "but what about . . . " and the movie would inevitably have an answer.
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