Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Haiku: Dredd (2012) 4/10

Future-drugs are neat.
I just want to watch their trips.
The rest is sqiiiiiishy.


*Cersei hones her craft in the Game of Thrones off-season

Update: upon thinking about it, the major props I will give Dredd are for NOT having the wisecrack-joker dude. Most movies have that sidekick who has all the "witty" quips and "sassy" putdowns as he, forgive me, puts down his victims... I hate that trope. I hate it a lot. While a lot of people die, justly and unjustly, in this, it's played entirely straight. The action scenes are gratuitously gooshy, but at least none of the brutality is played for laughs. Life may be cheap, but at least the characters take it seriously, for what it is.That I did very much appreciate.

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