Saturday, March 30, 2013

Point-by-Point: Greystone Park - 1/10

A group of folks with a camera wander in to a haunted mental hospital. Why, or who exactly these people are, isn't made entirely clear. Anyway, if you've seen a found-footage horror movie, it's basically just like that, but worse.

The Good: Move along, nothing to see here.

The Bad: This movie is a mess. The premise is overused, the characters are utterly boring, and I'm not entirely sure there was a plot. Even for the shaky-cam genre, the camera work was notably bad - the movie was overly dark, with far too many out-of-focus and wildly-swinging shots, and an amazing amount of fake distortion / cutting to random 'creepy' shots the camera could never have taken. Trying to follow along with anything in this movie is a lost cause. Of course, it wouldn't be a total loss if it was at least scary, but no dice. Sure, there's a jump scare or two and the occasional shadowy blur as the camera pans across from one wooden actor to another, but that's nowhere near enough to keep the average viewer from falling asleep. So, to recap, the acting, editing, writing, and directing were all horrible. I bet the catering even sucked.

The Ugly: The look on Oliver Stone's face when he saw just how crappy of a job his son did. That's an assumption, of course, but it's a safe one. 

Points Pondered

-If you can figure out the relationship between our main characters, or even how many people are actually in the group that enters the asylum, my hat goes off to you.

-If this is found footage, why is there a score?

-There's not one point in this movie where I felt like I had a firm grasp on what was happening. It quickly devolves into people yelling at each other in similar looking rooms and hallways. 

-Until they find a fully-lit cathedral. In the middle of an abandoned mental hospital.

-The credits look like they were created in iMovie - 3D stone-textured names, poofing off the screen. I mean, did the director even watch this?

-Really, just watch Grave Encounters instead. Or maybe even an episode of Ghost Hunters.

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